
Jewish Crimes against India

|| History ||

•Looting under Colonialism

We pick up from the entry of the British East Indian Company, when for the first time in 400 years, the Europeans managed to come close to conquering the Indians. It was the criminal organisation, protected by the Crown of England, composed of subhumans enslaved for globalist capitalism that had taken advantage of post-Mughal recovery to exploit the divided state of Hindus everywhere. They had come for “trade” and backstabbed the Marathas for territory. Following, we will dive deeper into what the British East India Company had to do with Jewish crime against India (The first formal move made by Jewish elitism against India):


The East India Company was a British joint-stock company, formed to pursue trade with the ‘East Indies’ (present day Maritime Southeast Asia). Originally chartered as the ‘Governor and Company of Merchants of London trading into the East Indies’, the company rose to account for half of the world’s trade, particularly in basic commodities, trading mainly with China and the Indian subcontinent. The company received a Royal Charter from Queen Elizabeth I on 31 December 1600. Wealthy merchants and aristocrats owned the company’s shares.

During its first century of operation, the focus of the company was trade. Company interests turned from trade to territory during the 18th century as the Mughal Empire declined in power. The Company became a major military and political power in India, gradually increasing the extent of the territories under its control, ruling the whole Indian subcontinent either directly or indirectly via local rulers under the threat of force by its armies.

By 1803, at the height of its rule in India, the British East India Company had a private army of about 260,000 – twice the size of the British Army. Company rule in India lasted until 1858, when, following the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the British Crown assumed direct control of the Indian subcontinent. The Government of India Act of 1858 removed the Company as rulers of India, and the Company’s armies, territories, property and powers passed to Crown rule.

As early as 1799, Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777-1836) began to import and distribute Indian goods, and an ‘India Goods’ book, preserved in the Archive records dealings in cloth, indigo, spice, coffee and cotton between 1807 and 1812. Nathan is also reported to have dealt with the East India Company in connection with the famous ‘Waterloo Commission’, the contract from the British Government to supply Wellington’s troops with gold coin in 1814 and 1815. In 1834, Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton wrote to his daughter recalling the dinner where Nathan told him of an occasion “when I was settled in London, the East India Company had 800,000 lbs of gold to sell. I went to the sale and bought it all. I knew the Duke of Wellington must have it… that was the best business I ever did.” [s]


Now we will explore the looting of India done by Jewish control of British colonialism. Note that the following text is not by me, but a friend of mine whose identity will not be exposed:

When the British killed Tipu Sultan in 1799 AD, Rothschild carted away all his gold. Tipu Sultan had stolen 7000 billion USD worth of gold from my home town Calicut’s temples – centuries of Spice trade returns. Tipu’s father Hyder Ali had stolen all the gold from Calicut king Zamorin and forced him to commit suicide. Sceptics – in 1800 AD India held 63% of the world’s private gold jewellery. In 2011 India still holds 38.2% of the world’s private gold.

Today the Jews control the financial world. Forbes gives bullshit that Carlos Slim, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are the top 3 richest men in the world? The total wealth of these three is around 170 Billion US dollars or 170 thousand million dollars. The richest is the Rothschild family. Their wealth is MORE than 300 trillion or 300 million million dollars. We Indians know about the East India Company, who came to India to trade and took over the country. Rothschild family owned the East India Company. East India company made their fortune by addicting the Chinese with opium taken from Bengal, Bihar and Malva in India.

Their blood relative was Bagdhadi Jew Sasoon who was their resident representative in India. The fabulously rich Parsis of India were all drug runners, connected to the Opium trade of Rothschild. Rothschild made their fortune by engineering the Opium wars on China and manipulating the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo. Surprised, right?
Yes, you could never ever get all this information before the internet and Google age. You have to be thankful to the Hippies of the sixties, who loosened the grip of big brother, on the information flow. Jewish rag merchant and pawnbroker Mayer Amschel (Anselm) Rothschild, born in a small dingy house on Judenstrasse Frankfurt am Main, Germany in 1744, was the founder of the famous House of Rothschild and its banking empire, which spread across most of Europe. Eldest son Amschel Mayer Rothschild (1773–1855) took over his father’s bank (M.A. Rothschild & Söhne) in 1815.

Mayer Rothschild’s five sons later helped spread the Rothschild (“red shield”) name beyond Frankfurt to London, Naples, Paris, and Vienna. All five Rothschild sons were made barons by Austria in 1812, receiving the right to use “von” (the German term of nobility) in front of their names. Later Rothschilds were involved in helping to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

Mayer Rothschild and his wife Gutle (nee Schnapper, 1753-1849) had 20 children, ten of whom survived infancy – five sons and five daughters. Over the years Mayer carefully placed his sons (“the five arrows”) in key positions to eventually establish a Rothschild banking empire that spread out from Frankfurt across much of Europe, including Austria, England, France and Italy. Indians did help in world war II but that was before Mangal Pandey who was one of the imperial but Indian lot of Indians were in East India Army. After they hanged him war started but Gandhi did it in another way. This is about all stuff how British affected India.

Now that it is clear that such a huge Jewish family manipulated trading and looting of India, we shall move on to see how badly it affected India. Of course, it’ll just be very few of the million incidents of the colonialists looting India:

Kohinoor Diamond

The Kohinoor diamond was mined at the Rayalaseema diamond mine in the Kollur mine in Golconda, India during the rule of the Kakatiya dynasty. It was taken away from a King of Malwa in 1306 whose family possessed it for generations. This oval shaped diamond then passed from one reigning empire to the next. The original name of the diamond was ‘Samantik Mani.’

It was acquired by the British from the Sikh Kingdom in 1849 when a young Duleep Singh (son of Maharaja Ranjit Singh) could not sustain the British power. The Kohinoor left the Indian shores on April 6 1850. Lord Dalhousie is the person responsible for the acquisition. Indians urge that the diamond should be returned to India the place it belongs to. However, in 2013, the Prime Minister of Britain during his 3 day visit to India said they do not believe in returnism.

Sultanganj Buddha

A complete metal Buddha statue weighing around 500 kg was found in Sultanganj, a town in Bhagallpur district of Bihar during the construction of railways in 1861. Immediately, it was sent to Birhimgham by the railway engineer E.B Harris who found it. According to the archaeologists, the statue belongs to a period in between 500 and 700 AD. Today, you’ll find this Indian piece of art in Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (BMAG).

Nassak Diamond

The Nassak Diamond – The Eye of the Idol was found in the Amaragiri mine in Mahbubnagar of present day Telangana in India. The diamond was cut in India, and from 1500 to 1817 it remained as an adornment in the Trimbakeshwar Shiva Temple, Nashik in Maharashtra. However, in the Anglo-Maratha War (1818), the British East India Company acquired the Indian diamond and sold it to British jewelers.

In 1927, this blue, translucent and roughly pyramid shaped diamond was imported from Britain to the United States. In 1940 it was bought by American jeweler Harris Winston and now it is in possession of certain Edward J. Hand who bought the diamond in an auction in New York in the year 1970 for $500,000.The estimated value of Nassak Diamond now is $3.06 million.

The Sword and Ring of Tipu Sultan

After the heroic death of the Tiger of Mysore – Tipu Sultan, the British forces took away the ring and sword of Tipu Sultan and looted his arsenal. Both the war trophies of Tipu Sultan were displayed in the British Museum till 2004 after which Vijay Mallya placed the winning bid of £175,000 for the Sultan’s sword, and brought it back to the Indian soil. Successively, he also bought 30 other war items (at an £1 million investment) owned by Tipu Sultan from the UK auction houses including carved quivers. Flintlock pistols cannon, and other personal items.
The Golden Throne of Maharaj Ranjit Singh

The throne was built by goldsmith Hafez Muhammad Multani from about 1820 to 1830. The throne is made up of resin core, wood and is covered with sheets of repoussé, and gold. However, in 1849, the British took this Golden throne as part of the state property when they annexed Punjab after the Second Anglo Sikh War. In 1851, it was displayed with other treasures of the Indian Empire at the Great Exhibition. It is now kept in the V&A Museum with inventory number 2518(IS).

The Royal Jade Wine Cup of Shah Jahan

This wine cup of Shah Jahan was made up of jade which was either imported from Central Asia or China. This White nephrite jade was specially designed for the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan who had a keen interest in arts and artistry. The cup dates back to 1657 CE. The length and width of this jade cup is 18.7 and 14 cm respectively. It was acquired by Colonel Charles Seton Guthrie after the 1857 revolt. It passed from several purchasers to Queen Maria of Yugoslavia. In 1962, it was acquired by the Victoria and Albert Museum in 1962.

Amravati railings and Buddhapada

In British Museum, London, you’ll see a magnificent collection of 70 pieces depicting India’s famed Amravati sculptures. These sculptures were excavated by the British almost 140 years ago after which they were shipped to London from Madras (now Chennai) in 1859. They are so beautiful that one of the experts even mentioned, “You won’t see anything like this in India itself.” In fact the carvings are also sometimes compared with the eminent Elgin Marbles.

The Saraswati Marble Idol – Vag Devi

The marble statue of Goddess Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of music, knowledge and wisdom was one of the prized possession of the temple at Bhojsala in Central India (Madhya Pradesh), established by an enlightened “philosopher king” Raja Bhoj in 1034 AD. He dedicated his reign to developing centers of art. The figure was donated to the temple by a local family.

Although it is said that the statue got lost and was acquired by the British Museum in 1886, it is believed that when the East India Company defeated Hindus and conquered Malwa in 1826 AD, they also attacked Bhojshala and destroyed many monuments and temples. It is said that in one such raids, Vagdevi idol was looted by Lord Curzon.

The Mechanical Tiger Of Tipu

The mechanical tiger of Tipu Sultan expresses his hatred towards his enemy, the British. It is a toy where a tiger is seen savaging a near life-size European man. This mechanical tiger was found by the British in 1799 when they stormed inside his summer palace after defeating him. It was first exhibited to the London public in 1808 in East India House and was later transferred to the Victoria and Albert Museum(V&A) in 1880 (accession number 2545(IS)). It now forms part of the permanent exhibit on the “Imperial courts of South India” From the moment it arrived in London to the present day, Tipu’s Tiger has been a popular attraction to the public.

On 7 September 1695, state sponsored English pirates attacked a large Indian trading ship, the Ganj-i-Sawai, carrying 900 passengers and crew from Yemen to Surat. After murdering a large number of the men and raping the womenfolk over several days, the pirates took off with gold, silver and precious stones with an estimated value of £200,000 to £600,000 ($400 million in modern times). For perspective, the average annual salary in England in 1688 was around £32.

That was the wealth from just one ship in a single day. During the approximately thirteen thousand days of British rule in India, vessels sailed daily for Britain from ports all along India’s coasts. They were laden with incalculable quantities of wealth and other valuables such as icons, statues, scrolls and books looted from the treasuries of Indian kings, businessmen, temples, landlords, schools, colleges, charitable institutions. The loot of gold and silver is hardly enough to destroy an economy. For, in the previous seven centuries, Islamic invaders from Arabia, Turkey, Central Asia, Afghanistan and Persia had raided India countless times and yet India remained wealthy. For instance, what Persian Nadir Shah looted in his 1739 invasion of India was greater than the cash appropriated by Clive and his successors in the two decades after 1757.

Even during the reign of the most avaricious and cruel Muslim tyrants, such as the Tughlaqs, Khaljis, Lodhis and Aurangzeb, the people of India’s villages continued in their age old ways of economic production. This is because the Islamic invaders did not tamper with the village economy. It took Britain’s colonial wrecking machine to bring down India. On 27 October 1931, the British government in London rammed through a series of measures that depressed silver and gold prices and raised interest rates in India. “Done over the protests by Gandhi, trade bodies and merchants and threats of resignation by the Viceroy and his Executive Council, the resulting ‘money famine’ had Lord Willingdon ecstatically say ‘Indians are disgorging gold.’

Impoverished Indians were selling their gold and silver savings. The booty was transported due West. One of these ships was the SS Gairsoppa, which was sunk by a German U-boat in the Atlantic in 1941. In 2011 an American exploration company found the SS Gairsoppa’s wreck, which has been found to contain 200 tonnes of silver. The haul was worth nearly £150 million. The British caused irreparable losses to India in a number of sectors. Like a huge sponge Britain soaked up the country’s wealth and simultaneously ruined its industry, agriculture and education. And as a parting shot, they divided the country, thereby ensuring that India would never again be the dominant economic power it once was. Not only gold all our greatest possessions are stolen. The entire British Museum is an active crime scene. If they start giving back everything they took from our country that building would be completely empty.

Stolen Wealth

India’s GDP before British was 24% of world GDP. It was 2% when they left. It was mainly because India’s economy became stagnant for 200 years and Europe developed. British were never interested in developing India. They just wanted to fund their development for which they levied up to 50% taxes. So we can say that British development was part funded by India.

Many farmers were forced to produce indigo and other non edible produce. These caused food shortages in India causing massive famines. Famine of 1870 killed more than 10 million. This had domino affect on economy. Indigo plantation also had negative impact on farm land and it became infertile for any other produce. This added to misery of farmers and economy. Till date Indian farmers are small farmers with very low yield per acre of land.

British fanned religious divide and divided the country. Since independence both India and Pakistan are spending too much money on defense which could have been better utilized. Indian population increased mainly because of illiteracy. British were never interested in educating Indians except for what is required for bureaucracy. Huge population is a burden on economy. There are many such factors. So it is fair to assume that if British did not colonize India, it would have similar size of world economy as it had prior to British and British would have similar size which it had prior to colonization across world. However for sake of calculation of intangible loot let us take a “conservative” scenario wherein British did not colonize India and India’s size in world economy is reduced to half (of what it was prior to British). This is assuming we had poor run in economy. So it would be 12% of world share.

Today World economy i.e. GDP is $ 87 trillion per year. So 12% of this is $ 10 trillion per annum. Indian economy today is $ 2 trillion. Balance is intangible loot per year I.e. $ 8 trillion per year Note: British were in India for 200 years. But you have to reduce compounded growth per year for each year. I have not calculated it but rough guess is that this figure will be at least $ 250 trillion. Obviously if India had this amount it would have spent it each year and not have it in bank. This figure is in today value I.e. NPV The finest jewels and the precious treasures that Indian rulers once boasted was cold-bloodedly looted by the invaders, especially the British. Sad but true, today none of these invaluable artifacts, jewels and relics lie within the geographical borders of India.

[Thanks, PK]

Not to mention, famines caused by degenerate administration made by the British colonials resulted in deaths of millions:

Great Bengal Famine

Chalisa famine

Doji bara famine or Skull famine

Agra famine of 1837–38

Upper Doab famine of 1860–61

Orissa famine of 1866

Rajputana famine of 1869

Bihar famine of 1873–74

Great Famine of 1876–78 (also Southern India famine of 1876–78)

Indian famine of 1896–97

Indian famine of 1899–1900

Bengal famine of 1943

[WIP: Henry Strakosch, Sassoon Family]

• Partition

[WIP: Edwina Mountbatten]

• Influence and Spread of Communism

It’s no doubt that once the Jewish elitist plan of using colonialism to conquer India had failed, they had resorted to their other hand: communism. Ironically, Marx said that religion is merely an opium and the Soviet Union was atheistic, however it seemed that Moshiach took their help to pour flowers on the red carpet of his arrival. Thankfully, the Paramatma still protects Bharatvarsha with His grace.

The first contact of Jews through communism was done by appeasing the Indian National Congress, who were ironically the pocket puppets of the British colonialists, another Jewish institution. They have a history of only causing ruckus for the Hindus but we will get to that some other time (Redundant because it’s obvious how much the Congress has tried to destroy Hinduism).


The KGB’s first contact with Indira Gandhi had occurred during her first visit to the Soviet Union a few months after Stalin’s death in 1953. As well as keeping her under continuous surveillance, the Second Chief Directorate also surrounded her with handsome, attentive male admirers. Unaware of the orchestration of her welcome by the KGB, Indira was overwhelmed by the attentions lavished on her. Though she did not mention the male admirers in letters to her father, she wrote to him, “Everybody – the Russians – have been so sweet to me… I am being treated like everybody’s only daughter – I shall be horribly spoilt by the time I leave. Nobody has ever been so nice to me.” Indira wrote of a holiday arranged for her on the Black Sea, “I don’t think I have had such a holiday for years.” Later in Leningrad, she told Nehru that she was “wallowing in luxury”. Two years later Indira accompanied her father on his first official visit to the Soviet Union. Like Nehru, she was visibly impressed by the apparent successes of Soviet planning and economic modernization exhibited to them in carefully stage-managed visits to Russian factories. During her trip, Khrushchev presented her with a mink coat which became one of the favourite items in her wardrobe – despite the fact that a few years earlier she had criticized the female Indian ambassador in Moscow for accepting a similar gift.

Soviet attempts to cultivate Indira Gandhi during the 1950s were motivated far more by the desire to influence her father than by any awareness of her own political potential. Like both the Congress Syndicate and the CPI, Moscow still underestimated her when she became Prime Minister. During her early appearances in parliament, Mrs Gandhi seemed tongue-tied and unable to think on her feet. The insulting nickname coined by a socialist MP, ‘Dumb Doll’, began to stick. Moscow’s strategy during 1966 for the Indian elections in the following year was based on encouraging the CPI and the breakaway Communist Party of India, Marxist (CPM) to join together in a left-wing alliance to oppose Mrs Gandhi and the Congress government. As well as subsidizing the CPI and some other left-wing groups during the 1967 election campaign, the KGB also funded the campaigns of several agents and confidential contacts within Congress. The most senior agent identified in the files noted by Mitrokhin was a minister codenamed ABAD, who was regarded by the KGB as “extremely influential”.

During the election campaign, the KGB also made considerable use of active measures, many of them based on forged American documents produced by Service A. An agent in the information department of the US embassy in New Delhi, codenamed MIKHAIL, provided examples of documents and samples of signatures to assist in the production of convincing forgeries. Among the operations officers who publicized the forgeries produced for the 1967 election campaign was Yuri Modin, former controller of the Cambridge ‘Magnificent Five’. In an attempt to discredit S.K. Patil, one of the leading anti-Communists in the Congress Syndicate, Modin circulated a forged letter from the US consul-general in Bombay to the American ambassador in New Delhi referring to Patil’s “political intrigues with the Pakistanis” and to the large American subsidies supposedly given to him. Though Patil was one of the most senior Congress politicians defeated at the election, it remains difficult to assess how much his defeat owed to KGB active measures.

Oleg Kalugin, who became head of FCD (First Chief – Foreign Intelligence – Directorate) Directorate K (Counter-Intelligence) in 1973, remembers India as ‘a model of KGB infiltration of a Third World government’: “We had scores of sources throughout the Indian government – in intelligence, counter-intelligence, the Defence and Foreign Ministries and the police. In 1978 Directorate K, whose responsibilities included the penetration of foreign intelligence and security agencies, was running, through Line KR in the Indian residencies, over thirty agents – ten of whom were Indian intelligence officers. Kalugin recalls one occasion on which Andropov personally turned down an offer from an Indian minister to provide information in return for $50,000 on the grounds that the KGB was already well supplied with material from the Indian Foreign and Defence Ministries: “It seemed like the entire country was for sale; the KGB – and the CIA – had deeply penetrated the Indian government. After a while neither side entrusted sensitive information to the Indians, realizing their enemy would know all about it the next day.”

The KGB, in Kalugin’s view, was more successful than the CIA, partly because of its skill in exploiting the corruption which became endemic under Indira Gandhi’s regime. As Inder Malhotra noted, though corruption was not new in India:

People expected Indira Gandhi’s party, committed to bringing socialism to the country, to be more honest and cleaner than the old undivided Congress. But this turned out to be a vain hope. On the contrary, compared with the amassing of wealth by some of her close associates, the misdeeds of the discarded Syndicate leaders, once looked upon as godfathers of corrupt Congressmen, began to appear trivial.

Suitcases full of banknotes were said to be routinely taken to the Prime Minister’s house. Former Syndicate member S.K. Patil is reported to have said that Mrs Gandhi did not even return the suitcases.

The Prime Minister is unlikely to have paid close attention to the dubious origins of some of the funds which went into Congress’s coffers. That was a matter which she left largely to her principal fundraiser, Lalit Narayan Mishra, who – though she doubtless did not realize it – also accepted Soviet money. On at least one occasion a secret gift of 2 million rupees from the Politburo to Congress (R) was personally delivered after midnight by the head of Line PR in New Delhi, Leonid Shebarshin. Another million rupees were given on the same occasion to a newspaper which supported Mrs Gandhi. [Main source of information is Mitrokhin Archives, taken with the help of Telegraph India]

The concerns arise when Mitrokhin claims that 7 cabinet ministers from the Congress party were elected due to Soviet funding during the regime of Indira Gandhi, while the defense minister during Nehru’s tenure (V. Krishna Menon) was also given Soviet backing. Mitrokhin Archives claim that due to Soviet backing and influence, former defense minister V. Krishna Menon purchased Soviet MiGs instead of British lightnings after his election campaign got funded by KGB in 1962 and 1967.

The archives also reveal the Soviet connections of the Communist Party of India. According to Mitrokhin, the CPI was funded in multiple ways by the Soviets; and had received funds in several bizarre ways including through car windows during Delhi traffic! At several instances, the Intelligence Bureau of India had intercepted transfer of funds to the Party treasury of CPI from USSR, to which Nehru chuckled saying that the Soviets had “underestimated” India’s intelligence.

However, he didn’t realise that the Soviets had penetrated deep into Indian embassies and were extracting information via their agents. As per Mitrokhin, many Indian diplomats abroad were seduced (and later blackmailed into revealing classified information) by female KGB agents called ‘sparrows’.

By 1972, the KGB had over 10 Indian newspapers under their payroll and had apparently planted over 3,500 articles in Indian newspapers.

The Archives of Mitrokhin also claim that in the 1977 elections, campaigns of 21 non-communist leaders were financed by the KGB. Under the Nehru-Gandhi regime, espionage wasn’t uncommon in India and the country had become a playground for foreign espionage agencies. [Main source is again Mitrokhin Archives, this information is retrieved from OpIndia]

NOW with that being said, note that Stalin tried to suppress India instead of exploiting it, hence the anti-India attitude with calling Nehru and Gandhi “imperialist puppets”. Fun fact, he was mostly anti-Indian, as he had also rejected nationalist leader Subhas Chandra Bose‘s request to meet him for an anti-British action during the independence struggle.

However, after his death, the KGB was unchained because only Stalin was aware of their accountability and its often during regime change that the administration of any government has a short span of time to displace and remove some of its own restrictions (Very evidently the CIA during the Cold War, going from the dog of Kennedy to the puppeteer of Bush). It is to be noted that the first contact was made in 1953. Time to discover the chairman of KGB in 1953.

Lavrentiy Beria, a Jew. He already had experience of serving as chairman of KGB in 1938. He served all the way from March till the end of June. Although not serving as chairman of KGB for a long time, he had kickstarted the entry of KGB in India by the time. He was also the longest-lived and most influential of Stalin’s secret police chiefs, wielding his most substantial influence during and after World War II. Stalin even introduced Beria to Roosevelt in Yalta Conference 1945 as “our own Himmler”. After Stalin’s death, the trio of leaders he ran in the absence of Stalin also contained a man who was married to a Jewish woman as well: Vyacheslav Molotov who was married to Polina Zhemchuzhina.

First of all, Beria had a notorious record. He was responsible for organising the Katyn Massacre – the execution of 22,000 Polish Army officers – and blaming it on the Germans for the majority of human knowledge of the said massacre in history. During the war, he was also primarily responsible for overseeing the Sharashkas, a facility in Gulags ran by the criminal Soviet authorities where engineers, scientists, researchers, etc. were forced to work, not be given credit for their work (Instead other Soviet researchers were named in the credits) and do this until they died off. After the war, he organised the communist takeover of the state institutions in central and eastern Europe and political repressions in these countries. Beria’s uncompromising ruthlessness in his duties and skill at producing results culminated in his success in overseeing the Soviet atomic bomb project. Stalin gave it absolute priority, and the project was completed in under five years (Just as a true Jewish internationalist, no?). When he was arrested in the coup organised by Nikita Khrushchev and Georgy Zhukov, he was charged of 357 counts of rape and treason.

Now we move on to Polina, the daughter of a Jewish tailor. She wasn’t a simple Jew. Just like the British colonial elites, Jews were prominent in the Soviet upper class (Take Stalin’s wives, for example). On the Eastern Front of World War II, Zhemchuzhina actively supported the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAC) and befriended many of its leading members, most notably Solomon Mikhoels. She frequently attended performances by the Moscow State Jewish Theatre. Polina Zhemchuzhina befriended Golda Meir, who arrived in Moscow in November 1948 as the first Israeli envoy to the USSR (Take note of the fact that communists today will often tell you that Stalin was against Israel, but it’s only a cover up. One of the easiest ways to debunk that is expose the statement made by USSR in the UN where they suddenly went pro-Israel, milking and cashing on the supposed Holocaust; claiming that Jews have underwent serious damage in the past several years. Stalin wanted a Soviet ally in the Middle East, and thus another Red problem). Fluent in Yiddish, Zhemchuzhina acted as translator for a diplomatic meeting between Meir and her husband, the Soviet foreign minister. Wait for the punchline: according to Alliluyeva, Svetlana (1969). Only One Year. p. 384., she had Molotov in her pockets. Stalin’s daughter would confirm that Molotov bootlicked his wife just as he used to bootlick Stalin. Also, while Polina was in arrest until 1953, she was close with the same Jew mentioned above, Beria.

The State Within a State: The KGB and Its Hold on Russia – Past, Present, and Future. Page 223 quotes Viktor Chebrikov, then chief of the KGB, as telling a Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) committee, “The USSR KGB maintains contact with the son of Premier Minister Rajiv Gandhi [of India]… R. Gandhi expresses deep gratitude for benefits accruing to the prime minister’s family from the commercial dealings of an Indian firm he controls in cooperation with Soviet foreign trade organisations. R. Gandhi reports confidentially that a substantial portion of the funds obtained through this channel are used to support the party of R. Gandhi.” [Retrieved from India Today]

|| Contemporary Events ||

Jewish group bullies Indian-origin student in USA for saying that Hindu ‘Swastika’ is a peace symbol and different from Nazi symbol

|| Media ||

Current CEO of The New York Times: Mark Thompson

He has reportedly signed a deal with the Israelis to cover the Gaza Conflict [s]. He ordered a line in rap “Free Palestine” to be censored [s]. Accused on multiple times to be pro-Israel biased [s]. Keep in mind that he has worked for BBC for several years as Director General [s].

To-be CEO of NY Times: Meredith Kopit Levien

Worked under Mark Thompson. She is married to a Jew, Jason Levien [s][s]. Note that Jason Levien has worked as strategist for the Democrat Party [s][s]. She has been supported by other Jews, such as Jonathan Sarna, a professor of American Jewish History at a university [s].

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Regarding Women As A Sexual Crime About To Happen: India’s Tradition Of Exploitation

A Massive Movement Against Patriarchy Is What We Need

The Sushant Singh Rajput Case Bared The Ugly Sexism Of Bollywood-Watching Indians

The ‘Good Kashmiri, Bad Kashmiri’ Narrative Peddled By TV Channels Is Dangerous

As Kashmir Is Erased, Indian Democracy Dies In Silence

Sabarimala: Kerala Police And RSS Misogynists Are Right, Only Feminists Are Visiting The Temple

Journalist Auqib Javeed Assaulted, Harassed By Kashmir Cyber Police For Article On Cyberbullying

Kashmir: Govt Says E-Learning Possible Over 2G, But Students And Teachers Struggle

Kangana Ranaut Speaks Like Any Right-Wing Politician, But Why Is It Extra Disappointing?

Shamed, Beaten, Abused: Getting Fired Amid Coronavirus Made Everyday Horrors A Lot Worse For This Kashmiri Trans Person

Kashmir Political Leaders Call Out Modi Govt’s Lie On ‘No House Arrest In J&K Now’

‘New Kashmir Looks Frightening’: Kashmir Times Editor Anuradha Bhasin On A Year After Article 370

Article 370: In Kashmir, Modi Govt’s Social Engineering Prompts Fears Of Demographic Change

Article 370: One Year On, Kashmir’s ‘Pony Wallas’ Risk Their Lives As Timber Smugglers

One Year After Article 370 Revocation: What International Media Is Saying

Kashmir: Wife Of BJP Leader Shot Dead Can’t Fathom Security Lapses

Article 370: What Kashmir Media Is Reporting Today

A Kashmiri Teacher On The Many Lost Months, And How He Is Battling 2G And Corona

India Protests Erupt Over Citizenship Bill That Discriminates Against Muslims

Student Protests Against India’s New Citizenship Law Spread Across Country

Article 370: Kashmir Is Slipping Away, Says Shehla Rashid One Year After Abrogation

Attempt To Stoke Fear Among Journalists In Kashmir, Says The Hindu Reporter Questioned By Police

India Has Dropped Two Places In World Press Freedom Index: Here’s Why

India Suffers ‘Alarming’ Decline In Civil Liberties, Kashmir Ranked ‘Not Free’: 2020 Freedom Report

J&K Police Slap UAPA, Scrapped 66A Of IT Act On Social Media Users Defying Govt’s Ban

‘Don’t Know What To Say, How To React’: Kashmiri Journalist Booked For ‘Anti-National’ Posts

And the list continues…



|| Betwa Sharma ||


Massive anti-BJP writer who has been employed by several companies. Let’s check her reach.


Al Jazeera

The Caravan

Columbia Journalism Review

Business Standard

The Seattle Times

Indian Express

The New Republic

The World (PRI)



The Daily Beast

Hindustan Times

Times of India

The New York Times


CBS Interactive


The Guardian


Foreign Policy

The Christian Science Monitor

Open The Magazine

UCA News

Milli Chronicle

She is admittedly a huge neo-liberal. Wouldn’t it benefit the Jews to employ this person wherever possible? This is how under the guise of “just Indians who are left wing”, the Indians are diverted from the fact that this person got into so many places only because she was under the scrutiny of the elite.

|| Emily Schmall ||


Emily Schmall is a Jewish person [s] who has posted many articles against India and Hindus. She works mainly to cover Indian “news” [s][s].

For Indian Women Working as Cooks and Nannies, No #MeToo Moment

Indian Muslims face stigma, blame for surge in infections

Indian Muslims resume prayers after clashes

For India’s prime minister, religious symbolism is political strategy

Indian BJP lawmaker threatens to shoot citizenship law protesters

Let’s check her habit of posting the same article in various places to not only fuel hate and misinformation against India in just one place but in multiple places to increase her reach.

Indian-Americans Overwhelmingly Support Joe Biden, New Poll Shows [NY Times][Forbes India]

Woman dies in New Delhi after gang rape, fueling outrage again in India [Original: NY Times][Japan Times][BD News 24][ABS-CBN]

Amnesty says India police violated rights in religious riots [Original: AP][Sharon Herald][India West][Lewiston Tribune][MSN][Seattle Times][Herald Extra][Times Union][Star Tribune][And so on, dozen more locations]

Another thing to be noted is that her Twitter is filled with sharing anti-India articles by other Jewish authors, for example, Jeffrey Gettleman.