Many ideologies like national socialism, national Bolshevism and national communism exist. They are merely the ideas of using said economic system to facilitate a national goal; quoting Strasser,”We take nationalism from the Right and socialism from the Left.” Similarly, national capitalism has emerged among – not a very large number of – people in the United States and Europe. This is mainly driven from their pride in free market economics of capitalism, but this is also risen from the lack of nationalist “leaders” who could be held accountable, especially in the 21st Century, following 11th September 2001 that has accelerated globalism and multiculturalism.
Simple Meaning
As described and explained above, national capitalism is an ultranationalist ideology that uses free market as a tool for the nation.
National capitalism upholds nationalist values above anything else. No globalist agenda, or reformist opinion can infringe on the very principle that everything that is done by the state and people, must be in the best interests of the nation (Must not come at the expense of another country unless you are chauvinist, otherwise the nationalist cause is defeated due to hypocrisy). The state being the ultimate power has the purpose of promoting nationalism and rejuvenating national identity based on culture and possibly even race, whichever fits best to unite the most people.
This is the tricky part. One of the main objectives of the state is to privatise whatever that can be privatised and give the means of production to the people in general to reap maximum efficiency from the free market. This narrative is similar to many other ideologies like paleolibertarianism and anarcho-capitalism. The problem with most libertarian capitalist ideologies is that due to fanatic market notions, it turns into late stage capitalism, breeding consumerism and leading to cultural capitalism. It may also transition from laissez-faire capitalism to monopoly capitalism, as letting a single corporate to become overpowered using its domination of money would practically prevent small businesses from increasing their demand.
In national capitalism, surely the state seeks maximum efficiency, but not necessarily maximum profits. The state protects individual property, not corporates. The state has full authority even by principles to intervene and regulate any corporate that exploits consumers and workers, and/or puts profits before nation by hurting the latter in any way, may it be foreign relations, economics, or environment. The state guarantees the small businesses and sole proprietorships to keep most of their income and pay lower in taxes, but the rhetoric is never about “private property” but “free market” — two terms that are not the same and do not require each other.
The state is almighty and has a complex of authority and responsibility. It may not be totalitarian because constitutional rights to private property and individualism for relative economic freedom is guaranteed, but it is still very authoritarian as a very aggressive unopposed power is needed to liberate individuals from collectivism and monopoly of the public sector. It is also primarily important to lead a revolutionary and violent movement to assault dictatorship that pretend to be in favour of the proletariat, as well as crackdown on multiculturalism and at least mass deport harmful foreign refugees if not physically eradicate them. A national capitalist movement in the making or a state in existence has to be on the top of power struggle to prevent opposition parties from undoing their deeds for the nation.
Faith, Tradition and Race
There is actually no specific guideline whether a national capitalist society has to be reactionary or modernistic. However, naturally, belief in religion, following traditions, and taking pride in one’s race is most effective for ultranationalism to work effectively. In fact, being religious to a non-materialistic faith like Christianity or religion like Hinduism can not only prevent selfish individualism, but also substituting spiritualism for rejecting materialism prevents the rise of forms of left wing economics like utopian socialism which is based around non-materialism (Opposed to dialectical materialism of scientific socialism, also known as Marxism).
Traditions are obviously the most important. A conservative and traditionalist society lasts the longest, composing of people with honesty, security, and work ethics. Traditionalism also prevents corruption of capitalism, preventing interracial, homosexual, hedonistic and other post-modernist and dystopian elements that most big corporates in the modern age use to hoard profits and push an agenda: people are most likely to reject what is naturally disgusting and is not beneficial to anyone at all.
The same applies for preserving a race (not necessarily establishing an ethno-state) which maintains majority as a proper native population is supposed to. Preventing mixing of races like Caucasian and Negroid races preserves the racial traits as well as diversity in respective homeland and beauty. The state is responsible to ensure that globalism does not use the nation as a tool to import foreigners and destroy the economics of demand and supply, as outsourcing cheap labour has reduced minimum wages, and has left native populations jobless and homeless because of ridiculously low wages that don’t meet up to living standards.
The national capitalist state does not excuse immigrants. With the welfare state cut down to negligibly existent, any foreigner must adapt to the rules of the nation, minority rights cannot come at the expense of the safety and convenience of the nation. They must speak the language of the country the refugees came in, they must follow their rules, and respect the majority. Multiculturalism has to be abhorred as it destroys culture, nation and race. Tourists in Syria cannot go against its national rules using their own religion or heritage to justify their acts. Islamic politicians cannot use the Sharia Law to justify their policies and actions in India, and must respect the constitution and Bhagavad Gita at all times, regarding it higher than their Quran.
National capitalism is very much like a lot of extreme ideologies. It requires ideological fanaticism as fascism does, it is extremely assimilationist like national socialism, it uses an economic system to facilitate national interests like Strasserism. Differences do exist however, as similarities do.
• It does not practice the form of modernism that national socialism advocates for, such as replacing God and historical figure with the worship and glory of the head of state and party, they lean more towards the form of Evola traditionalism like fascism.
• It does not focus on the evolution on capitalism to produce multinational corporates, the way revolutionary socialism for class war was supposed to be used in Strasserism.
• Unlike fascism, which is primarily corporatist, can sometimes be changed to capitalist fascism, national capitalism cannot look towards other economic systems, because they are heavily regulationist and do not protect free market the same way national capitalism does.